Author Visits
Chrystal loves connecting with readers! She has appeared at festivals, conferences, and schools, both virtually and in person.
For booking availability, rates, or questions, please use this author visit contact form.
Current offerings are described below, although presentations can be customized to fit any particular need.
Chat + Q&A
Best for all ages | 30 minutes
Perfect for a group that has read any of Chrystal’s work and wants to chat with her about the books.
Chrystal will share her writing inspiration and talk about her journey to becoming an author. Readers should come with lots of questions.
Let's Chat About Great Stories
Best for grades 3-8 | 45 minutes
Perfect for a group even if they haven’t read any of Chrystal’s work.
This chat starts with a prepared presentation where Chrystal talks about her writing journey, what components make a great story with tie ins to Take Back the Block or Not an Easy Win, and how to write about what inspires you. There will be time for a short Q&A session.
Let's Chat All About Community
Best for grades 5-8 | 45 minutes
Perfect for a group that has read Take Back the Block, Not an Easy Win, and/or has studied community, equality, or social justice related topics.
This program starts with a prepared presentation where Chrystal talks about her writing journey, her inspiration for writing about social justice and importance of community. There will be time for a short Q&A session.
Creating Compelling Characters
Best for grades 4-8 | maximum of 30 students | 60 minutes
This interactive workshop is designed to get readers thinking about the importance of characterization in the books they read and how to write their own compelling characters. Chrystal will help readers analyze the characters in her books and guide them through exercises on how to create a character profile and tips on arriving at an authentic voice for their own characters.